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Digital Mapping - An Introduction
Written by Graham Hughes

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

In the first of four articles Graham Hughes of Anquet Maps gives a brief overview of how different users make use of digital mapping.

Anquet Maps

For a quick overview of the Anquet Maps system, please view the video introduction on the home page of our website at

When I read the words 'digital maps for the outdoor enthusiast' contradictory images enter my mind - the hills and mountains that I love on one side and images of complicated computers and devices on the other. But please, if you suffer the same ailment as I do, don't be put off, and do continue to read...

From my experience at Anquet over the last eight years, I generally see Anquet users finding their own level of use for Anquet. I hope by giving you a quick overview of these you might see how you could benefit from Anquet Maps.

The Replacement Paper Map User

With Anquet it it's easy to find a location by grid reference or place name search and then instantly display the relevant map on the screen. Press the print button, and you have your own personalised map, which looks exactly like its paper equivalent. You can also print the map at any scale you chose, which is a real advantage over standard paper maps if you eye sight isn't quite what it used to be!

It's this ease of access and the ability to print the map whenever you need, that wins so many users to the Anquet system. For some users, this is all they ever do with Anquet, and matched up with the trusty compass, it's a perfect place to stop for many.

However, most new users progress to plotting their own routes with Anquet. It's so simple to do with just a few clicks of the mouse, and yet brings such advantages. Once a route has been drawn, you can easily view such items as length, estimated time and height ascent.

The GPS User

A common question to Anquet support is 'Which GPS do you recommend for me?'. It's a common progression for many once they have started to use digital mapping. You can quickly save your route from Anquet to a GPS unit to aid in navigation, and then review your Hansel and Gretel breadcrumb GPS trail in Anquet when you return home. Anquet is the perfect partner for the modern outdoors GPS unit.

The Pocket Anquet User

This is the exciting end of the technology, allowing users to take their maps and routes into the field on the latest generation of Microsoft enabled Smartphones and Pocket PCs. Watching your position move on an OS map as you walk really does make your own navigation so much easier.

Free Trial

Anquet is free to try. You can download the software and sample maps from with no obligation.

The majority of our maps are now purchased by download (prices start from £10), but we still produce CD products for those who would prefer the physical item.

Our sales team are available 9am-5pm Mon-Fri on 0800 033 7030 or

Graham Hughes, Managing Director, Anquet Technology, February 2009.

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